中一新生支援措施 Support Measures for Form 1 Newcomers
Many studies have shown that Form 1 students face a series of challenges when adapting to a new secondary life. Our school is committed to providing students with comprehensive assistance and support in social, psychological, and academic aspects before and after the school starts.
1. 中一家長迎新日 Form 1 Orientation Day
透過「中一新生家長迎新日」,讓家長了解學校的發展歷史、培育學生成長的藍圖(優秀少年B.E.S.T. TEEN)、教學理念及對學生在學業上及紀律上的要求。
Through the "Parent Orientation Day for Secondary One Freshmen", parents can understand our school history, our B.E.S.T. TEEN Student Development Scheme, our teaching philosophy and our academic and discipline requirements for students.
2. 「保馬啟航」POMA Freshman Scheme
Through the "POMA Freshman Scheme" (due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the orientation camps in 2021 and 2022 were held on the school campus), F.1 students can increase their understanding of the school and build positive values. By joining different types of group activities carefully designed by teachers and coaches, F.1 students can create their class culture and team spirits, cultivate a sense of belonging and develop their abilities and leadership skills. This greatly facilitates students’ adaptation to their new secondary school life.
「保馬啓航」學生感言 1D 戴康晴 今天是我第一次來到這所學校,我對這裏充滿好奇!我在中一迎新學會了團體精神,原來真的很重要呢!在「鼻碰球」這個活動中,我們要一起把一個同學抱起,令他用鼻碰到球才算成功。初時,我心想我和他們連一句話也未說過,我才不會信任他們!可是我看到同學互相支持,一個又一個嘗試成功後,我開始越來越信任他們,我也勇敢地上去接受挑戰了。我踏著他們的手,同時背後有無數隻手支撐着我,讓我非常安心。最後我成功踫球後,他們就慢慢地扶我下來。 我們只是一班素未謀面的人,他們竟然願意幫助我。所以我對「鼻碰球」的活動非常深刻。我期望能在保馬明白更多道理,成為一個有團體精神的卓越保馬人。 1A 盧嘉宜 在這兩天中一迎新活動中,我對保馬有了更深的認識。我印象最深刻的是第二天的活動。這天,我們參與了許多有趣的活動,例如:二人三足、大喊口令等等。在活動期間,歡呼聲不斷,整個場地氣氛都熱烈起來了。每玩一個遊戲,教練就會解說道理,也會談談自身的經驗,令我獲益良多。遊戲中,學長們一直默默地幫助我們,很感動,我衷心感謝他們!雖然我組在玩遊戲時一直處於下風,但所謂「勝不驕,敗不餒。」 玩遊戲時,我不會放棄、氣餒,而面對人生亦是如此。未來的保馬生活必然精彩,我亦希望和老師、同學和所有保馬人和諧共處,在這所學校共同留下最美好的回憶。」 |
3. 「學長計劃」Peer Counsellor Scheme
Our Peer Counsellors help Form 1 students adapt to their school life through regular visits and activities.
「學長計劃」學生感言 1B 袁可瑤 在短短的一年中學生涯當中,學長們是我們身邊不可或缺的一個重要角色。想起我們剛到保馬的時候,對新學校感到陌生又害怕,但有學長照顧的這一年令我們對保馬熟悉了許多,也因為他們的幫助,我們跟同學的關係也越來越好。學長在我們午息的時候,會跟我們聊天,在學習上遇到不會的功課,他們也會細心指導,我很感謝學長們令我在新環境當中感到一絲絲的溫暖。 1B 李心寶 學長非常友善,每當同學難過時,學長總會主動關心我們,並會給予意見,為我們解憂。學長亦陪伴我們參與學校很多不同的攤位遊戲,讓我們可以很快融入學校生活。現在學期也快完結,十分感謝學長們的悉心照料。 |
4. 「保馬心深聆」Counselling Sessions
Every year our counselling team meets all Form 1 students in small groups to find out their needs and provide assistance to those who have difficulties in adapting to a new environment.
5. 班際活動 Inter-class activities
A wide variety of activities, such as POMA RUN and various inter-class competitions, are organized to cultivate a good sense of belonging among students. These inter-class activities also strengthen the relationships between teachers and students.
6. 學習適應的措施 Learning Support
To lay the groundwork for English learning, we have organized a two-day summer English phonics program for our Form 1 students.
功課輔導班/學業輔導班 Tutorial Classes/ Remedial Classes
Qualified teaching assistants, teachers and alumni (current university students) to provide help to students who need academic support.
7. 自修室 Self-study Room
設有溫習室及討論室,同學可於上課日課後(3:45 p.m. – 7:00p.m. 全日課情況,或2:30 p.m. – 6:00p.m. 半日課情況) 到指定課室、多用途室內場館及閱讀廊溫習。
Self-study rooms and discussion rooms are open to students daily after school (3:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. for whole-day classes, or 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. for half-day classes)