S.T.E.A.M.課程特色 S.T.E.A.M. Curriculum

校本S.T.E.A.M. 發展的目標
1. 幫助學生建立穩固的數學、科學及科技知識基礎;
2. 提高學生對科學、科技和數學的興趣;
3. 加強學生綜合和應用知識與技能的能力;
4. 培養學生的創造、溝通、協作和解難能力,以改善人類生活;
5. 培養他們的領袖素質,如社會認知、恆毅力、適應力及領導力,成為廿一世紀與S.T.E.A.M.相關的專才。
Goals of School-based S.T.E.A.M. education:
1. Help students build a solid foundation of knowledge in Mathematics, Science, and Information Technology.
2. Enhance their interest in Science, Information Technology and Mathematics.
3. Strengthen their ability to integrate and apply their knowledge and skills.
4. Develop their creativity, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills to improve human life.
5. Develop their leadership qualities, such as social awareness, perseverance, and resilience, to enable them to become the S.T.E.A.M.-related professionals in the 21st century.
校本S.T.E.A.M. 發展策略
我校S.T.E.A.M. 的課程發展以普及化為大前題,在常規課程內增潤相關元素,加入高層次思維活動,提升整體學生的S.T.E.A.M.的知識、技能及態度。此外,針對熱愛S.T.E.A.M.的學生,提供課堂以外的增潤課程或活動,推薦資優學生參與富挑戰性的校外增潤課程及公開比賽。
Development Strategy of the School-based S.T.E.A.M. program
Through School-based S.T.E.A.M. development, we aim to build students’ overall S.T.E.A.M. knowledge, skills and attitudes by implementing enrichment courses in addition to regular courses. Enrichment courses promoting higher order thinking skills are offered to students who love S.T.E.A.M. and with outstanding performances. Students are recommended to participate in challenging enrichment courses, extension activities and competitions.
To optimize the key learning areas of Science, Information Technology and Mathematics
編程是未來發展一種重要的語言。故此,本校於普通電腦科大幅度增加程式編寫、創意思維及解決問題的課程內容,包括Scratch Programming、Robotic、Mind+, DFRobot、Sketchup設計、AI Programming。我校為配合課程重整,除了增加普通電腦科的課時,同時增聘電腦科教師及專才,強化S.T.E.A.M.教學團隊。
To enrich students’ S.T.E.A.M. learning activities
由中華菁英扶輪社夥拍香港優質教育促進協會舉辦:「點滴是清泉- STEM A.I. 濾水器設計比賽 2024-2025」
(5G STEM A.I. Water Filter Design Competition 2024-2025)
由 Autodesk 擁有著名專門從事用戶創建和上傳的自己動手項目的網站舉辦:「Instructables First Time Author 第一作家賽」
(Instructables First Time Author)
由香港社會服務聯會與香港特區政府聯合主辦「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會」,香港科技園公司協作舉辦:「AI智能.樂動.生活」設計比賽 2024」
(AI Gerontech-Sport LIVE Design Competition 2024)
參賽作品(請按右方鍵接):AI Gerontech-Sport LIVE - Exhibition Products - Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2024