數學科課程特色 Mathematics Curriculum





本校設有數學資源室,學生可參與各種有關數學的棋類活動,如拉密牌魔方教學四巧板T等。本科亦會舉辦不同類型的數學活動,例如班際數學比賽、數理遊蹤、參觀數學玩具展等,讓學生認識數學在日常生活裡的應用,提升學生在不同領域的數學知識。本科亦與其他科目跨科協「S.T.E.A.M. WEEK」,透過活動和探索,讓學生充分發揮創意和潛,幫助學生裝備相關能力,以應對社會因急速的經濟、科學及科技發展所帶來的轉變和挑戰


Mathematics Curriculum 

E-learning has been incorporated into the Mathematics curriculum. The use of e-learning in our teaching and assessment has enhanced the effectiveness of learning Mathematics and it helps equip our students with the tool to learn in other disciplines. Our school also holds a Mathematical Olympiad Course to enhance students' extra-curricular Mathematics knowledge and skills. The "School of Mathematics 30 Program" has been set up to select potential students. Students are encouraged to take part in a wide range of Mathematics competitions. By participating in these competitions, students can gain experience, broaden their horizons, raise their awareness, and improve their communication, creativity and problem-solving skills. Through activities and exploration in the Cross-curricular S.T.E.A.M. Week, students can develop their creativity and equip themselves with relevant abilities to cope with the changes and challenges brought about by the rapid economic, scientific and technological development of society.

