學生領袖培育藍圖 Nurturing Students’ Leadership
每年學期末,學校設立「學生職務遴選月」,通過師生面試及會議,負責老師與本屆學生領袖一同商討接任人選,有系統地甄選下一屆學生領袖。學校鼓勵幹事會由初中生和高中生組成,實踐薪火相傳的精神。學生會以內閣制及全民票選形式產生,除了能提升全體學生的參與度,亦能培養學生的公民意識。每年開學,校方均會舉行「學生領袖就職典禮」,闡明學校對學生領袖的期望,同時向全校師生展示學生領袖風範。此外,學校提供有系統的領袖培訓,如保馬先鋒領袖訓練營 (POMA Pioneers)、不同團隊的幹事培訓工作坊等,提升學生的領袖能力及團隊合作精神。同時以共創、共建、共管為方向,讓學生撰寫計劃書開辦新學會,提升學生的自主性及參與度。
反思及回饋乃培育領袖重要的一環,學生領袖在各類活動或訓練工作坊後會舉行檢討會議,總結成功經驗,檢討「NOT YET」的因素,令團隊精益求精;參與者在訓練中亦能學會欣賞他人,懷抱感恩,與一直陪伴在側的師友擁抱挑戰。
Nurturing Students’ Leadership
Students are the future leaders of society. Most importantly, we firmly believe that all of our students have the potential to be leaders in various aspects. Thus, we encourage our young learners to acquire leadership skills by participating in a wide range of school activities and taking up different posts of an array of student organizations. Among all the leadership skills and strategies, the ability to reflect on oneself is the main focus of the school. Therefore, a debriefing session is always held after each event to serve the purpose. Students can make use of this opportunity to share why they can succeed and what they can do to further improve themselves.
Teachers’ nomination is not the only way to select student leaders. Instead, these leaders-to-be are selected by former committee members or peers. The idea of democracy is fully realized in the election of the Student Union, one of the largest student organizations in the school. All students, including both the junior and senior members, have the right to vote for the cabinet to represent them.
Every year, we present awards and scholarships to the outstanding student leaders to recognize their efforts and contribution to the school and schoolmates.