參觀香港理工大學工業及系統工程學院實驗室設施 2018(資訊及通訊科技科)
日期: 21/06/2018
2A 張嘉穎
I feel very glad to take part in this activity. This activity lets me gain more knowledge of IT. I have learnt a lot from the guided tour arranged by Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I understood the aims of the programmes introduced and the professional recognition of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. For example, I learnt about BEng(Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing and I found it very amazing. Before this visit, I would not think much about design and production. Therefore, I would like to thank the teachers who have taught me these things.
2A 羅樂遙
Through the activity held by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, I have learnt a lot. I visited Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. I have learnt about several programmes including BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering, BEng(Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing and BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management. I find Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems very interesting as it opens my mind and shapes my future. Besides, it is a challenging field.
After this activity, I really want to gain more knowledge of S.T.E.A.M. Moreover, I would like to thank my teachers and the demonstrators for giving me a chance to know more about the latest technology.
3A 葉穎欣
這個世界轉變得很快,一瞬間就有許多新科技出現,讓人措手不及。活動後,我對於綜合產品設計及立體模型的了解更多,也發現產品設計的出路十分多元化。另外,通過參觀裝備了180度巨型顯示器的機場控制塔模擬系統,讓我了解航空營運的概念,相信對未來科技發展有一定程度的幫助。透過導師的講解及親身操作,我也認識了無線射頻技術 (RFID)。工業及系統工程學院 (ISE) 的確令人得益不少。
3A 劉咏卉
3B 何凱珊
透過今次參觀香港理工大學,我了解到很多關於工業及系統工程學院 (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering) 的設施和課程,當中認識了製造產品前需要進行多種的分析,以確保產品符合使用者的要求。然後,我們參觀了航空營運及系統學 (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems) 的實驗室,實驗室展示了機場控制塔裡的不同崗位模擬器材,例如Ground Control Simulator, Air Traffic Control Simulator 和 Pilot Simulator,我們明白到機場營運需要各部門的配合。而且,透過老師的講解,我得知原來入讀大學並不容易,所以我會在未來三年的高中生活,努力讀書,成功入讀自己心儀的學系。