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邵逸夫獎得獎者天象廳講座:與星同行 2024(物理科)

日期: 13/11/2024

邵逸夫獎得獎者天象廳講座:與星同行 2024(物理科).學生感言



Recently, I had an incredible opportunity to attend a talk by Professor Shrinivas Kulkarni, a brilliant mind in the field of astronomy. His passion for knowledge is truly inspiring, and the insights he shared left a lasting impression on me.


The 40-minute presentation was both concise and enriching. It allowed me to gain a broader understanding of astronomy and recognize that data collection is a lengthy process. Professor Kulkarni emphasized the revolutionary role of modern technology, particularly artificial intelligence, in enhancing our analytical capabilities in astronomy. It was fascinating to learn how AI could have transformed our understanding of celestial events if it had been available earlier.


One of the most surprising revelations for me was the concept of a star "dying" twice. I had always been intrigued by neutron stars, known for their incredible density and rapid rotation, but I was unaware that the pulsating beams they emit are actually gamma rays. The distinction between long and short gamma rays, classified by their duration, was a new concept for me.


Professor Kulkarni also revealed that supernovaemassive, spectacular explosions are more common than one might think. He presented data that showcased over 2,000 recorded events, illustrating the gaps in our understanding and the importance of AI in data collection. A particularly thought-provoking moment arose when a fellow student asked about the absence of supernovae in certain areas of the data, leading to a deeper discussion about hemispherical observations.


Another captivating aspect of the talk was the historical context of gamma ray discovery. This unintended discovery opened up new avenues for astronomy, illustrating the interconnectedness of scientific progress.


While iron may not seem remarkable, its role in stellar fusion is crucial. The fact that fusion becomes energetically unfavorable when it involves iron highlights the complexities of stellar life cycles and the birth of elements through nuclear fusion.


Overall, Professor Kulkarnis talk not only broadened my perspective on the universe but also ignited my inner curiosity about the intricate relationships between chemistry, physics, and astronomy. I left the presentation with a renewed enthusiasm for exploring the cosmos and a greater appreciation for the marvels of science.



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